Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ode to passion

Ode to passion

I say, too much passion in us poets, 
like a touch of a thousand
saccharine taste invading our veins, 
we cannot restrain, we
cannot condemned the only reason 
for our being, passion is what keeps us 
breathing, passion can make us see it all
different than others, not to cease, not to die
or give-up, passion grows in our soul, 
it reminds us it is there every minute of our day, 
when we need to count the hours
to get to him/her. 
Passion is the sedactive to our worst day.
The essential of reason, 
the way to a path, 
to rivers and streams that find our dreams, 
passion is a vessel making a net
reaching our heart our souls
keeping the beat louder and quieter in waves 
frequencies, passion is vigor, 
is a sparkle in our heart that continually 
beats violently and has no outcome.
Passion is un "Corazon salvaje".



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