Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bring me the autumn

Bring me the autumn

I remember you as you were in the
last autumn, The leaves adorned my
heart with your music. 

They were sounds
of your cadence voice that never left
the air like echoes in the wind, even
the birds sang like you. 

They had your tongue and throat, 

you were the artist
with no fame, your appearance your
voice were steady and calm.

They brought to me hymns and peace.
In your eyes the serenity of your soul
were like flames of light that never burned.

You were the white sheets of my bed,
always in peace and warm, The autumn
brought back your guitar your slow melody
like a breeze beneath my curtains,
and my house was then singing like
my heart.



Bicho do Mato said...

Oi amiga, tudo bem? Vim conhecer teu blog e agradecer a sua visita ao meu blog, obrigado. É uma imensa honra tê-la como seguidora. Li alguns de seus textos e os achei muito interessantes, Já estou te seguindo também. Voltarei em breve. Abraços do amigo Bicho do Mato.

Federico L.M. de Luque said...

Querida amiga Elena T.

Elena, lejana e inquieta,
ángel que escribe poemas
dulces y con sus letras
nos revela la tristeza,
el brillo de las estrellas
y la luz bajo la niebla.
En su alma de poeta,
que sus palabras reflejan,
vive el amor, las quimeras,
el fuego de las hogueras,
las recientes primaveras
y las blancas azucenas...!

Tu poema es muy bueno.
Un beso


ElenaT said...

Gracias mi amigo querido,por leerme y apreciar mi trabajo,y por las palabras tan lindas, ya eres parte de mis letras..

Muchas besitos para ti.


Nádia Santos said...

Amei... Muito apaixonado!